Friday, September 8, 2023

Mit javaslok olvasni - What I suggest to read

Úgy érzem, hogy ez a kétnyelvű blog nem volt jó ötlet, és a két nyelven való megjelenés egy blogon inkább árt, mint használ. Ezért valószínűleg abbahagyom az itt történő blogolást, illetve azért is, mert az életemben (nem túl jó egészségügyi és pénzügyi helyzetemben) örömforrásokra van szükségem, és ezeket leginkább a matematika tudja megadni a számomra, nem pedig a szélmalomharc. De angolul még megosztok néhány linket azoknak, akik e blogomtól többet vártak volna.

I think that this bilingual blog was not a good idea, and the appearance of two languages in one blog is more harmful than helpful. That's why I'll probably stop blogging here, and I also stop it because I need more sources of joy (in my not-so-good conditions of health and wealth), and this joy can be provided by Mathematics, not by "fight against a windmill" (from Don Quixote). However, I share some links here for those who expected more from this blog...

Do you want to save the world?

Then I recommend reading free books about Political Economy in your free time. Reading these, you might have some good ideas, and I also wanted to write such ideas here, but you can write your ideas in your blogs or even better, books. For example, Karl Marx also wrote "Das Kapital", a book about Political Economy, and it had a huge effect. Maybe we could write a better book about Political Economy than he, and maybe it could also have a huge, but better effect. For spiritual reasons, I recommend reading free books, and you can find free books in the following places:


This is the best and maybe the greatest source of free ebooks. Search for "economy" there (I'm wondering why I cannot see any Economy Bookshelf there now).


I've downloaded a lot of ebooks about "political economy" from here (so you can also do it by searching for "political economy"). At first, I did not see any legal conditions, but later, when I wanted to download free German ebooks from there, they had the legal conditions of non-commercial use only. Thus I'm unsure what their legal conditions really are.


From here, you could listen to audiobooks that are recorded by the LibriVox project. Unfortunately, LibriVox audiobooks are hosted by the website, and the legal terms of only allow non-commercial use of that website. That's why you should access these public domain audiobooks from the website instead, if you want to use this knowledge for commercial purposes! For example, Adam Smith's "Wealth of Nations", or Alfred Marshall's "Principles of Economics", or Frank Albert Fetter's "The Principles of Economics" should be available as audiobooks, but I haven't checked again now.


You can learn the basics of Economy there as it is taught today. Sadly, some earlier courses about Economy were removed.


WikiPedia is the greatest free book, so you can also find many things about the Economy there. Sadly, I haven't found Economy Portal there, only a Category.

Maybe there are more if you search the web for them. For example, it's probable that you will be able to find some free textbooks shared with some Creative Commons or GNU FDL licence.

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